Lao Cai Province


Lao Cai Province
Lao Cai Province
Lao Cai Province
Lao Cai Province
Lao Cai Province

Popular cities in Lao Cai Province

Sa Pa
Sa Pa
Known for Mountains, Hiking and Small town
Explore quaint Sa Pa: its hiking, mountain views, adventures, and more!

Reasons to visit

  • Sapa Lake
  • Fan Si Pan
#LikeALocal,  #Adventure

Bac Ha market in the North of Vietnam.
Held every Sunday, a frenetic,buzzing social event,where the various hill tribes descend,"in particular the Flower Hmong" ,to trade,drink,eat and generally make merry.Rice or Corn wine in Jerrycans,
Sữa Chua Yaourt (Vietnamese Yogurt), delicious.
Bac Ha
Known for Friendly people, Shopping and Dining
Escape to Bac Ha! Enjoy its food, monuments, and history.

Reasons to visit

  • Bac Ha Temple
Stay outside of Sa Pa town for the best views ✨
Lao Cai
Known for Natural parks, Monuments and Historical
Escape to Lao Cai! Enjoy its parks, monuments, and history.
Bao Yen
Bao Yen
Known for Monuments and Historical
Escape to Bao Yen! Enjoy its monuments and history.
Lao Cai, Sapa, Vietnam
Local village, H'mong people
Bao Thang
Venture to sights like Tang Loong stadium as you discover the local area in Bao Thang.
Lao Cai, Sapa, Vietnam.
3 days Sapa Trekking
Bat Xat
Known for Historical
Trip time! Discover the history in Bat Xat.