Apartment Talir has been put into a great deal of material resources as well financial resources to preserve essence of the medieval era and historical clues, of some hundreds years of Mediterranean Italo – Spanish influence and bonded with modern means like free wireless internet, cable TV, air condition etc. Upon the time monks and Jesuits were living within these halls. The building itself was known as ,,Seminarium Clericus Educandos Curatus. Owing to the inherent historical facts the building is lying on the most heritage place,the oldest part of the historic town, that ones was tiny rocky island named Laus,divided with canal and lagoon to mainland,Quarter is known nowadays very well by the name Carmen and canal as plaza Stradun. Facing back in ancient times during BC years,when the island started to be inhabited with first settlers of Greeks and Romans. By the time of Holy Roman Empire,knight templars were resting here after their crusades.It captivated with intrigue and imagination generations.
Richard I,the Lion-Hearted of England who set out on the third crusade,after his return of crusades from Latin Kingdom,himself financed construction of Roman Catholic Cathedral,which is opposite to our apartment. In the closest vicinity of the appts is the main plaza Stradun,where all events take place,with lot of narrow side streets,lot of all kind of variety of shops,caffes, restaurants and museums of historical events. Closest beach Buza is just few steps away. Appts lay in the very quiet area despite in the heart beat of the old town.Of great importance to say apartment is just on the first floor,not tiredness and fatigue in hot very sunny summer days.
And finally we are glad to share this privilege with our guests.