When the price of the home is $200 or less, it is for 1-2 persons only in the home. Can you imagine a lovely family/romantic getaway w/clear blue/green water on a private waterfront, fishing from our dock, waking 2 morning sunrises & feeling the warmth of afternoon sun on UR back, seeing full moons reflecting on the lake once a month, starry nights/constellations, August shooting stars, the smell of UR BBQ sizzling UR favorite main dish/vegetables, listening 2 the gentle waves while sipping UR beverage lakeside, swimming/kayaking* off our private waterfront? Do U love sitting by water 15 steps from the house, taking walks looking @ the lake/hiking in nearby hills/parks, visiting wineries, breweries/taking cooking class or perhaps just reading in our cozy nook/playing piano or roasting marshmallows in our fire pit and making S'Mores? Our home is ideal. Its 5+ minutes 2 City of Canandaigua by car where U will find 45 restaurants+-, 3 groceries including the famous Wegmans, walking distance to boat rentals and sailing lessons for a fee along with movie & live theater along with a number of outdoor concerts at CMAC (4.5 miles form the house), along w/nearby Sonnenburg Park, Granger Homestead, Water&Alpine Park, bowling, skiing golf, tennis, llama and organic farms etc. Enjoy: Native American festivals, Annual New Maple Syrup Breakfast - reservation needed, Enjoy Skiing/Snowboarding/Alpine Center @ Bristol (22 minutes drive), hiking&museum@Cumming Nature Center, wine tours, romantic dinners in Canandaigua, performing arts center, artists & museum @ Corning Museum Center or venture to Rochester 4 the George Eastman House & Museum, Niagara Falls, Finger Lakes Racetrack 4 gambling, New Year's Eve Party, weekend music&dance party&more! *contract signed 4 use of kayak. Fishing lic needed.
Come enjoy our 3/4 window based+- home with a master bedroom with star gazing windows...kayaks... gourmet kitchen with Bertazonni convection oven perfect for baking bread/delicious meal, seasonal: infinity lounge/Adirondack chairs at our private waterfront, outdoor dining area/grill and more. Our private terraces welcome your stay where you can work, read, swim/fish comfortably from our dock, play our baby grand piano, board games/ping pong or human tic tack toe game or watch tv/movies etc. This living room area was recently planned by an interior decorator making each sitting area loved by the user(s) and what they are doing at the time. We have other sleeping areas and your reservation should let the host know how many individual guests will be entering the property. Our home is 30 feet from the water and our lake level room is about lake level. Our closest grocery is about 3 miles from the home but just a mile farther you find a plethora of wonderful restaurants, Main Street shops, performing arts center, CMAC, churches/hospital and more. We have lots of energy in/around Canandaigua...with a water park/aerial skiing+-, adventure park at Bristol Mountain which also hosts wonderful winter skiing/snowboarding etc. I love the plethora of hiking and bicycling locations for all levels whether you are strolling from the house or by the historical boat houses on the pier, riding a road or mountain bicycle. Bicycles/Boats are rented in town near Frequentem, Seager's/Sutters/German Brothers Marina. Our waterfront: is private with Chiminea/fire pit. There are about 6 seasonal stairs into the water. Water ranges about 1-5 foot from one end to the other side of the dock depending on season. Clear water to see bottom of the lake usually. Not recommended to go into the water past Sept 15 - Memorial Day becuase cold water can cause hypothermia. Do not swim alone off my property (a/k/a siwm with a buddy and adults must supervise kids or peopel with less swimming experience).
NOTE: Percentage discount is only during the winter months for week and monthly stays. Pricing $400/room and under (per room) means that you have access to one master bedroom and one master bathroom for your stay with 2 guests only We count children as a full guest and we/the Town Ordinance allows for 2 people maximum sleeping per bedroom.
Offisite and festivals which require some fees:
Hot Tub/Skiing/Cross Country Skiing/Snow Boarding/Indoor Pool/Wineries/Fall Festivals/Hikes/Cooking Classes/Swim and Ski Classes
Note: The New Sands YMCA has childcare for limited hours This is where you will find a pool/hot tub/etc. No refunds if the YMCA closes the facility or part of the facility. YMCA is about 10 minutes from the home; Wood Library has great activities for kids and adults too. I also may be able to help find an in-home babysitter.
Additional Fees;
The Folk Art Guild also gives pottery lessons and possibly weaving too.
New Year ball drop - additional fees
Cooking Lessons
Finger Lakes Performing Arts Center
Mountain Drives
Free lake views!
Mees Obervatory in Bristol area (by reservation and free)
Ice Skating in Canandaigua
Main Street Shopping
45 restaurants +- in Canandaigua
Hospital/Urgent Care
Churches and lots more
Hiking all year round
Bristol Mountain Skiing/Snowboarding: seasonal
Fort Hill Performing Arts Center - ongoing events:
Rochester Auditorium Theater (broadway shows and more)
Bristol Valley Theatre - limited shows mostly in the summer.
CMAC Open in summer.
Chamberrfest Canandaigua; Time For Three July 12th
Weekends at Bristol Aerial Adventures (call for specific details)
Hobart william Smith Weekend October 4-6
Columbus/Indigenous Weekend Oct 11-14
See Canandaigua/Ontario Chamber of Commerce Events Page too for more events.
We require: valid government ID, picture of your car licenses plate with my home in background, and additional contract to be signed (before key code given to guest at check in time). $50 for each additional hour requested and approved by host as time permits. $100 for every guest not on the guest list which still needs to be approved in advance of their arrival...including local/long distance family and friends.
More details:
Our wonderful year round home/lodge looks more like a NYC contemporary loft literally steps from the water's edge. We are 5 minutes to the City, about 5 miles to CMAC and Wegmans/Wal-Mart/Aldis/Thompson Hospital etc.
Check-in/out: Sign separate agreement, Text ETA/Gvt ID/license plate once@home b4 key code given. $50/additional hrs.
Boat: Must request for pre-approval $50/nt. No anchoring in private waterfront and no tying boat to our dock since that will ruin dock/retaining wall about a $100k investment. Mooring is only available Memorial - Labor Day at host discretion. Ask if you need other dates to Moore a boat.
Cleaning & Repair: I have strict cleaning protocols&I am w/the cleaning help a lot while they're working. Please leave kitchen&grill clean/night. We remove charcoal. Excessive cleaning fee is $200+ if we move items back in place/have soiled items. Broken/ruined items charged@twice the cost of repair. Must let repairman in if you report a problem.
*Only use soap&water on a warm damp towel to clean: countertops, stove, oven, stainless steel appliances. Dont leave anything on stove when U aren't @ home. Please separate out small plastic bags from regular trash along w/separating out glass bottles, soda, beer &water containers from regular trash 2.
Firepit/Chiminea: Can only be used on white marble tiles near waterfront. Only real non-treated wood an be used in crate, do not add fuel starter to your fire, start with small kindling and then put a small log about 3/4 size of crate, do not put water into the chiminea. Do not leave fire unattended and do not use for cooking. (I suspect marshmallows are ok to roast but clean up after dropped marshmallows and chocolate because we don't want bugs nor wildlife).
Guests: All day/night guests must B registered on rental site/approved by Host prior to arrival. No drop in guests 2 property including boats of friends, foes and relatives. Lakefront areas are private as is my home. 24 hr Supervision of children & adults needing extra care must B done by family member/paid registered guest over28. If a child/adult needs extra care is found unsupervised, U/UR travel site/I will cancel & no refunds 2 guest 4 early termination. Day guest fee/$100/pp even if not staying overnight&the guest must B registered on VRBO.
Lighting: keep screens closed so no bugs come in home/no interior lights when open screen otherwise bugs will come in and there will be an extra cleaning fee.
Pet dog fee is $200 fs 234 sf+-.
Room Reserving for 4- persons only rents 2 bedrooms (street&2nd level of hoor 3 days or $40/nt/pet/srvc dog - arranged in advance 4 UR pet only. 2 of UR own small dogs permitted. No puppy's. We offer dog treats, crate, pet bed w/sheet. Dogs groomed before arrival.
Quarantining ur dog in home/outside; crate your dog when you go out of the home. Do not enter vacant property to the left w/without your pet.
No Wet dogs in home, No Pets on furniture
Walk your dog 2 left of home off property 2 go 2 the bathroom
Clean up after UR dog, Don't use vacant property