Book your golfing vacation with Expedia and enjoy all that our fantastic golf hotels have to offer. Families can enjoy canoeing, sailing, surfing, and the parks. Also, check out the beaches in Yap.
What should I see and do in Yap while on a golf vacation?
When you’re ready for a break from your golf game, you’ll discover that Yap has lots to offer. Explore the local sights and attractions with a stop at Pelau Island, Yap Sports Complex, and Colonia Public Park. Also, don’t miss Bechyal Cultural Center, Ethnic Art Village, and Colonia Bridge.
What is a golf hotel in Yap like?
Golf hotels in Yap offer lodging as well as easy access to a golf course. On Expedia, you will be able to find golf hotels with either a 9+ hole golf course, or that are positioned next to an 18+ hole golf course. Golf hotels provide a selection of services and amenities including mini-golf, clubhouses, and transport to the golf course when it is not onsite.