Popular cities in Xinjiang
Known for Skyscrapers, Hot springs and Deserts
Experience upscale Ürümqi: its hot springs, desert views, theme park, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Hongshan Park
Taxkorgan Tajik
Known for Mountains, Wildlife and Castle
Experience the mountains, castle, and culture in Taxkorgan Tajik!
Reasons to visit
- K2
Known for Islands, Nature and Rivers
Get away to Burqin! Enjoy the island views, natural setting, and beaches.
Known for Ruins, Secluded and Deserts
Experience secluded Turpan: its ruins, desert views, monuments, and more!
Known for Temples, Deserts and Hiking
Upscale Kashgar is calling! Discover its temples, desert views, lake views, and more.
Known for Cheese, Small town and Skiing
Explore quaint Hami: its skiing, mountain views, architecture, and more!
AkqiAksuAktoAltayAnggiligAral CityAwat CountyBachu CountyBeitunzhenBohuBoleBurqinChangjiChonghuerDushanziEminErgongFuhai CountyFukangFuyunGongliuHabahe CountyHamiHejingHejing CountyHoboksar CountyHotanHuocheng CountyHutubi CountyJeminayJiadengyuJiashiJimsarJinghe CountyKalpin CountyKaramayKashgarKhotanKokdalaKorlaKuqaKuytunLopLop CountyLopnurLuntai CountyMakit CountyManas CountyMiquanMoriMoyuMoyu CountyMulei CountyNilka CountyPishan CountyQapqal Xibe CountyQinggil CountyQira CountyQitai CountyQitaiheRuoqiangShacheShanshanShawan CountyShayarShiheziShuangheShufu CountyShuleTachengTashkurganTaxkorgan TajikTekes CountyToksuToksun CountyToliTomürlükTurpanUrumqi CountyWangjialiangcunWenquanWensu CountyWujiaquWuqiaWushiXayar CountyXinjiang UygurXinyuanYanqi HuiYecheng CountyYengisarYetimbulakYiningYopurga CountyYuli CountyYumin CountyYutianZepu CountyZhaosu CountyÜrümqi