Directly in the Waldnaab-VValley in a quiet location in the countryside. The appartment ist equipped we organic building materials and beds and bedclothes. We have E-Bikes to rent and a charging station for E-Cars (11kW; Typ 2).
Nationwide Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage the "Upper Palatinate Culture of Zoiglbeer", 5 min up in Neuhaus village: Enjoy a rustic stay in our local tavern with home-brewed Beer and rustic food. For sure you get in contact easily with locals and will have fun. Read more at
Sport climbing only 300m away
Burgfelsen Neuhaus – Klettern Windischeschenbach
Climbing at the Naturpark Steinwald only 17 km entfernt.
Many favorite excursions
hiking and biking routs directly in fornt of the appartment. The longest and most diverse long-distance hiking trail in Germany. "Qualitätswanderweg Goldsteig")
Kajak-Tour in the river valley Waldnaabtal (3+)
Exit directly at the appartment!
Extra sleeping places are modern Futon-Chairs (see photos), shich can be arrange to 2 great sleeping mattresses. For children even 4 places can be arranged, but then it might be a little bit tight.