Enjoy the fresh rainwater hot tub after a long day's hike. The hot tub is drained, sanitized, and refilled with fresh triple-filtered, chemical-free rainwater between each booking. This cozy cottage is in the heart of Volcano Village with luxury features such as a heated towel bar and heated bathroom floor. Only a few miles from Volcanoes National Park, and half a mile from the Sunday morning farmers market. Included with each stay is a gift basket with local products and samples. This rental has it's own direct internet connection.
This is a rainforest, so you will probably experience a shower or two on your adventure. Being a rainforest there are coqui frogs that sing at night that is unique to tropical climates. Please ask for earplugs if they won't allow you to sleep. Also, there are wild pigs. They are not someone's pets or livestock. Usually they are skittish, but mothers are less scared when with their young.
*New amenities include a patio heater, gazebo fan, and a level 2 ev charger compatible with J1772 andTesla Model Y/3/S/X.
Taxes include transient accommodations tax of 13.25% (10.25% Hawaii state plus 3% Hawaii County tax) and general excise tax of 4.712% (4.1885% Hawaii state plus 0.5235% Hawaii County tax)