Entire apartment

A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss)

Photo gallery for A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss)

TV, books
Fridge, microwave, stovetop, coffee/tea maker
1 bedroom, WiFi


2.0 out of 10

Entire apartment

1 bedroom1 bathroomSleeps 345 sq m

Popular amenities

  • Air conditioning
  • Kitchen
  • Outdoor Space
The current price is SAR 94
SAR 169 total
includes taxes & fees
31 Mar - 1 Apr

About this property

Entire place

You'll have the entire apartment to yourself and will only share it with other guests in your party.

A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss)

(FR) Hello, I'm Larcuss. I have a studio (larcuss21) for rent in Kram (TUNISIA) located near the beach. It includes a living room, a bedroom, a kitchenette and a bathroom + a shower.
This studio is located near Carthage the most famous archaeological site in the world (10 min by TAXI / 30 min walk)
Located near Sidi Bou Said the most beautiful village in the Mediterranean (12 min by TAXI)
Located near la Marsa the city of beys (former governors of TUNISIA), the beautiful beach located to Gammarth a beautiful village to discover (20 min by TAXI)
 Located 30 minutes from the wonderful Medina and its craft souks in the center of the capital Tunis (30 min by TAXI) and you can arrive to Tunis Marine by Taxi (15 min) and walk to the souks of the Medina to discover the beautiful avenue HABIB BOURGUIBA of the capital.
This studio is located in a strategic location in the northern suburbs of the capital.
Thank you and welcome.

Hi, I'm Larcuss. I have a studio (larcuss21) for rent in Kram (TUNISIA) located near the beach. It includes a living room, a bedroom, a kitchenette and a bathroom + a shower.
This studio is located near Carthage the most famous archaeological site in the world (10 min by TAXI / 30 min walk)
Located near Sidi Bou Said the most beautiful village in the Mediterranean (12 min by TAXI)
Located near the city of beys (train governors of TUNISIA), the beautiful beach located in Gammarth (20 min by TAXI)
 Located 30 minutes from the wonderful Medina and its craft souks in the center of the capital Tunis (30 min by TAXI) and you can arrive to Tunis Marine by Taxi (15 min) and walk to the souks of the Medina to discover the beautiful avenue HABIB BURGUIBA of the capital.
This studio is located in a strategic location in the northern suburbs of the capital.
Thank you and welcome.

(ES) Hola, be Larcuss. Tengo an estudio (larcuss21) in alquiler in Kram (TÚNEZ) ubicado cerca de la playa. Includes a sala de estar, a dormitorio, a cocina americana and a baño + ducha.
Este estudio is encuentra cerca de Cartago, and sitio arqueológico más famoso del mundo (10 minutos in TAXI / 30 minutos a pie)
Ubicado cerca of Sidi Bou. Dijo el pueblo más bello del Mediterráneo (12 minutos by taxi)
Ubicada cerca de la Marsa, the ciudad de Beys (formerly Gobernadores de TÚNEZ), the hermosa playa ubicada in Gammarth, a hermoso pueblo por descubrir (20 minutos in TAXI)
 Ubicado is 30 minuts from the marina Medina and is located in the center of the capital Túnez (30 minutos by taxi) and from there to Túnez Marina by taxi (15 minuts) and there is a bus stop to the Medina to discover the Hermosa avenida HABIB BOURGUIBA of capital.
Este estudio está ubicado en una ubicación estrategica en los suburbios del norte de la capital.
Gracias y bienvenido.

(DE) Hi, ich bin Larcuss. Ich habe ein Studio (larcuss21) zur Miete in Kram (TUNESIAN) in der Nähe Strands. Es umfasst ein Wohnzimmer, ein Schlafzimmer, eine Küchenzeile und ein Bad + eine Dusche.
Dieses Studio befindet sich in der Nähe von Karthago, der berühmtesten archäologischen Stätte der Welt (10 Minuten mit dem Taxi / 30 Minuten zu Fuß).
Hotel Sidi Bou Said, Das Hotel in the Nähe von Dorf im Mittelmeer (12 Minuten mit dem Taxi)
Das Hotel liegt in der Nähe von La Marsa, der Stadt der Beys (ehemalige Governor von TUNESIEN). Der schöne Strand liegt in Gammarth, einem wunderschönen Dorf, das es zu entdecken gilt (20 Minuten mit dem Taxi).
Das Hotel liegt 30 Minuten von der wunderschönen Medina und ihren Handwerkssouks entfernt im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Tunis (30 Minuten mit dem Taxi). Sie können Tunis Marine mit dem Taxi (15 Minuten) erreichen und die Souks der Medina zu Fuß erkunden die schöne Allee HABIB BOURGUIBA der Hauptstadt.
Dieses Studio befindet sich in einer strategischen Lage in den nördlichen Vororten der Hauptstadt.
Vielen Dank und herzlich willkommen.

(IT) Ciao, sono Larcuss. Ho uno studio (larcuss21) in affitto in Kram (TUNISIA) situato vicino alla spiaggia. Includes a soggiorno, a camera da letto, an angolo cottura e a bagno + doccia.
Questo studio if trova vicino in Cartagina, it sito archeologico più famoso del mondo (10 minuti in taxi / 30 minuti a piedi)
Situato vicino in Sidi Bou Said, it is located in the mediterraneo (12 minuti in taxi)
Situato vicino alla Marsa, the città dei beys (ex governatori della TUNISIA), the bellissima spiaggia situata in Gammarth, a bellissimo villaggio da scoprire (20 minuti in taxi)
 Situato a 30 minuti dalla meravigliosa Medina e dai suoi suk artigianali nel centro della capital Tunisi (30 minuti in taxi) e puoi arrivare in Tunisi Marine in taxi (15 minuti) e raggiungere a piedi i suq della Medina per scoprire il bellissimo viale HABIB BOURGUIBA della capital.
Questo studio if trova in a posizione strategica nella periferia north della capital.
Grazie e benvenuto

(RU) Привет, я Ларкус. Lar меня есть студия (larcuss21) в аренду в Крам (Тунис) Она включает в себя гостиную, спальню, кухню и ванную комнату + душ.
Студия находится недалеко от Карфагена, самого известного археологического памятника in мире (10 минут ТАКСИ / 30 минут пешком)
Расположен недалеко от Сиди-Бу-Саида, самой красивой деревни в Средиземном море (12 минут на такси)
Расположенный недалеко от Ла-Марса, города бейс (бывший губернатор Туниса) красивый пляж, расположенный в Гаммарте, красивой деревне для знакомства (20 минут на такси)
 Расположенный в 30 минутах езды от прекрасной Медины и ее ремесленных баз в центре столицы Туниса (30 минут на такси) вы можете добраться до Тунис Марин на такси (15 минут) и дойти до базаров Медины, чтобы открыть для себя красивый проспект HABIB BOURGUIBA столицы .
Эта студия расположена в стратегическом месте в северном пригороде столицы.
Спасибо и добро пожаловать.

(JP) こ ん に ち は, ラ ル カ ス で す.私 は, ビ ー チ の 近 く に あ る ク ラ ム (チ ュ ニ ジ ア) に ス タ ジ オ (larcuss21) を 借 り て い ま す.リビングルーム、ベッドルーム、簡易キッチン、バスルーム+シャワーがあります。
こ の ス タ ジ オ は, 世界 で 最 も 有名 な 遺跡 で あ る カ ル タ ゴ の 近 く に 位置 し て い ま す (タ ク シ ー で 10 分 / 徒 歩 30 分)
地中海 で 最 も 美 し い 村, シ デ ィ · ブ · サ イ ド の 近 く に 位置 し て い ま す (タ ク シ ー で 12 分)
ラ マ ル サ の 近 く に 位置 す る ベ イ の 街 (チ ュ ニ ジ ア の 元 知事) 美 し い ビ ー チ, ガ マ ー ル に あ る 美 し い ビ ー チ (タ ク シ ー で 20 分)
 首都 チ ュ ニ ス の 中心 部 に あ る 素 晴 ら し い メ デ ィ ナ と そ の 工 芸 品 の ス ー ク か ら 30 分 (タ ク シ ー で 30 分) タ ク シ ー で チ ュ ニ ス マ リ ー ン に 到 着 し (15 分), メ デ ィ ナ の ス ー ク ま で 歩 い て 探索 で き ま す.首都 の 美 し い 大通 り HABIB BURGUIBA.

(IN) हाय, मैं लार्स्क हूं. थित पास समुद्र तट के पास स्थित Kram (TUNISIA) में किराए के लिए एक स्टूडियो (larcuss21) है. इसमें एक बैठक, एक बेडरूम, एक छोटा रसोईघर और एक बाथरूम + एक शॉवर शामिल है।
यह स टूडियो टूडियो टूडियो टूडियो स स स स स स स रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद रसिद थल रसिद रसिद थल थल थल थल थल थल थल थल थल
सिदी बू के पास स्थित है भूमध्यसागरीय सबसे खूबसूरत गाँव (12 मिनट तक टैक्सी)
लल मम केम केप केप केप केप लम ,म लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम लिएम
 राजधानी टुनिस (टेक्सी द्वारा 30 मिनट) के केंद्र में अद्भुत मदीना और इसके शिल्प सुक्स से 30 मिनट की की दूरी पर थित थित थित थित सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी सी राजधानी का खूबसूरत एवेन्यू हाबीब बुर्जुआ.
यह स्टूडियो राजधानी के उत्तरी उपनगरों में एक रणनीतिक स्थान पर स्थित है।
धन्यवाद और स्वागत है।

(PR) Olá, under o Larcuss. Hadten um estúdio (larcuss21) para alugar em Kram (TUNÍSIA) localizado perto da praia. Including uma sala de estar, um quarto, uma kitchenette uma casa banho + um chuveiro.
Este estúdio está localizado perto de Cartago, where there is arqueológico but famoso do mundo (10 minutos de táxi / 30 minutos a pé)
Localizado perto of Sidi Bou Said, at vila but bonita do Mediterrâneo (12 min of táxi)
Localizado perto of La Marsa, a cidade of Beys (ex-governadores da Tunísia), a bela praia localizada em Gammarth, uma bela vila a ser descoberta (20 minutos de táxi)
 Localizado 30 minutos da maravilhosa Medina e seus souks de artesanato no capital centro da Tunis (30 min táxi) e vê pode chegar a Tunis Marine táxi (15 min) e caminhar até os souks da Medina para descobrir a bela avenida HABIB BOURGUIBA da capital.
Este estúdio está localizado em uma localização estrategica our subúrbios do norte da capital.
Obrigado e bem vindo.

(CH) 嗨, 我 是 拉库斯 我 在 海滩 附近 的 克拉姆 (突尼斯) 有 一个 出租 工作室 (larcuss21).它包括一间客厅,一间卧室,一间小厨房以及一间浴室和淋浴。
这个 工作室 位于 迦太基 世界 上 最著名 的 考古 遗址 附近 (乘出租车 10 分钟 / 步行 30 分钟)
位于 西迪布 赛义德 (Sidi Bou Said) 附近, 是 地 海 海 海 海 海 海 丽 丽 丽 TA TA TA TA TA TA TA
La 贝伊斯 市 (突尼斯 前 州长) 拉玛尔萨 (Marsa) 附近, 美丽 的 海滩 位于 伽玛斯 (Gammarth) 一个 美丽 的 村庄, 可 发现 (TAXI 车 程 20 分钟)
 距 首都 突尼斯 中心 的 美丽 的 麦 地 那 及其 手工艺品 市场 30 分钟 路程 (乘出租车 30 分钟) 然后 乘坐 出租车 到达 突尼斯 海军 陆战队 (15 分钟) 然后 步行 至 麦 地 那 露天 市场 即可发现 首都 哈比布 · 布尔吉巴 (BURGUIBA HABIB) 的 美丽 大道.

Property manager



Arabic, English, French, Spanish

Property amenities


  • Near the beach


  • WiFi available

Parking and transportation

  • Car not required


  • Refrigerator
  • Stovetop
  • Microwave
  • Cookware/dishes/utensils
  • Paper towels
  • Spices
  • Coffee/tea maker


  • 1 bedroom


  • 1 bathroom
  • Soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Shampoo
  • Towels provided

Living spaces

  • Living room


  • TV with cable/satellite service
  • Books

Outdoor areas

  • Balcony


  • Air conditioning
  • Heating


  • No pets allowed


  • Designated smoking areas

Location highlights

  • Near the sea

Things to do

  • Casino nearby
  • Theme parks nearby

Safety features

  • Carbon monoxide detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector)
  • Smoke detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property)
  • Deadbolt lock


  • Unit size: 484 sq ft (45 sq m)
  • Property does not allow children

Similar properties



Check-in time starts at 1:00 PM
Contactless check-in available
Minimum check-in age: 6


Check-out before 1:00 PM
Contactless check-out available

Special check-in instructions

You will receive an email from the host with check-in and check-out instructions


Pets not allowed

Children and extra beds

This property does not allow children

Important information

You need to know

Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy
Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card, or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges
Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed
Onsite parties or group events are strictly prohibited
Host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector with you on the trip
Host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property
Safety features at this property include a deadbolt lock
This property is managed through our partner, Vrbo. You will receive an email from Vrbo with a link to a Vrbo account, where you can change or cancel your reservation

We should mention

A car is not required for transportation to and from this property

Property is also known as

A Studio
Vrbo Property
A Studio Kramuss Carthagenuss
A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss) Salambôo

About the neighborhood

Le Kram, Tunis

What's nearby

  • Byrsa Hill - 19 min walk
  • St. Louis Cathedral - 5 min drive
  • Carthage Museum - 5 min drive
  • La Goulette Beach - 10 min drive
  • La Marsa Beach - 16 min drive

Getting around

  • Tunis - Carthage Intl. Airport (TUN) - 20 min drive


  • ‪Vagabondo - ‬9 min walk
  • ‪Patisserie Mozart - ‬12 min walk
  • ‪Punic'Art - ‬9 min walk
  • ‪صحن تونسي عند بسام - ‬6 min walk
  • ‪Café le Rendez-vous - ‬14 min walk

Frequently asked questions

Is A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss) pet-friendly?

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

What time is check-in at A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss)?

Check-in begins at 1:00 PM.

What time is check-out at A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss)?

Check-out is at 1:00 PM.

Where is A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss) located?

Located in Borj Oulad Lara, this apartment building is within a 15-minute walk of Espace Diwan, Salammbo Oceanographic Museum, and Punic Ports Museum. Palaeo-Christian Museum and Roman Circus are also within 1 mi (2 km).

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A studio (Kramuss / Carthagenuss) Reviews


Rating 10 - Excellent. 0 out of 1 reviews
Rating 8 - Good. 0 out of 1 reviews
Rating 6 - Okay. 0 out of 1 reviews
Rating 4 - Poor. 0 out of 1 reviews
Rating 2 - Terrible. 1 out of 1 reviews




2/10 Terrible

jean marc g.

Disliked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, listing accuracy
ceci est une arnaque.l'appartement n'existe pas.tout est en chantier.j ai pas l impression que abrit
J AI L IMPRESSSION QUE ABRITEL N A JAMAIS VU L APPARTEMENT.TOUT EST EN CHANTIER LA MAMAN DU LOUEUR HABITE AU PREMIER ETAGE L N I A MEME PAS DE RAMPE A L E SCALIER le loueur m a remboursé une parie de la location. j aaimerais que abritel prenne contact avec moi
Stayed 7 nights in Nov 2022