Cheap Tarom-Romanian Air Transport (RO) Flight Reservations & Booking Flights

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Frequently asked questions

How do I find cheap TAROM flights that have flexible change policies?
Expedia makes it a cinch to find cheap airfares with flexible change policies. When booking TAROM flights, simply check the No change fee filter. If you have to change your travel itinerary, you’ll only be required to pay any fare difference.
Which destinations does TAROM fly to?
Serving 170 cities across Europe, Middle East and Africa, TAROM has your next epic adventure covered. Whether you’re looking to book a flight to Iasi, Otopeni or someplace else you’ve been dreaming of, Expedia is where you’ll find unbeatable TAROM flight deals.
Why fly with TAROM?
Work out your travel dates and book a flight with TAROM. Based out of Henri Coanda Intl. Airport (OTP), it connects to buzzing destinations and operates a fleet of 29 aircraft. Superb TAROM flight deals are only a few clicks or swipes away with Expedia.
What can I expect from a TAROM flight?
With most TAROM services providing meals or snacks, you and your rumbling belly will be well looked after. Get settled in your seat, order something delicious and then enjoy the ride. Whichever destination is on your to-do list, Expedia will help you track down the best deals on TAROM flights.
How can I get a cheap last-minute TAROM flight on Expedia?
If you enjoy living in the moment, it’s a snap to find excellent deals on last-minute TAROM flights with Expedia. Browse our great last minute flights deals which are suited to travelers who are flexible with travel dates and arrival/departure airports. Already decided on your trip dates? Just enter your details, compare the low prices on TAROM flights and then lock in your bargain escape.
How can Expedia help with my TAROM booking?
Book your cheap TAROM flights with Expedia — and remember to add on a hotel stay or car rental to score even more deals. From vacation packages to travel guides and useful information, we’re here to help. With the free Expedia App, you can check in, look over your flight status and receive instant trip updates, such as gate changes, flight delays and baggage carousel numbers. Download the app on your device and handle all your bookings in one place.
Can I earn and redeem miles with my TAROM flight?
If you’re signed up to the TAROM money-saving rewards program, Flying Blue, you may be able to earn points when securing your airline tickets with Expedia. Look for the name of the loyalty program and then enter your membership number at the final stages of booking to find out if you can collect mileage. You can also earn points credit cards, car rentals and booking hotels with Flying Blue. Our free Expedia Rewards is another program that promises perks. You can rack up points on car rentals, activities, cruises, packages and flights with Expedia and then redeem them on future bookings.
What rules does TAROM have in terms of hand luggage allowance?
A TAROM international fare comes with 1 cabin bag and a small personal item as your hand luggage allowance. If you’re in economy, the general guidelines are that each carry-on bag should not be heavier than 22 lb or exceed 21 in x 9 in x 13 in total. Weight and size limits may vary across cabin classes, so review the rules on your TAROM plane ticket before traveling.
What is TAROM's checked-in luggage allowance?
With international TAROM fares, you’ll be allowed at least 1 checked-in bag. Size and weight limits can vary based on a range of factors. However as a general guide, your checked baggage should have maximum dimensions of 62 in total. The total weight can not exceed 50 lb per bag. These specifications depend on the cabin class you’ve selected or aircraft type, so check your TAROM itinerary or contact TAROM customer service for the best advice.