The property was clean, fully stocked with everything needed, and nicely decorated. Cecilia, the host, is very kind and responsive lady. We got lost on the way from airport to her property and she came to meet us and show the road. Verizon doesn't cover U.S.V.I so travel pass is necessary in addition to monthly plan, so you can navigate with Google maps. The property has a free WiFi so we were able to figure things out upon arrival. The roads are very tricky in St. Thomas, with the opposite lane driving, narrow twisty turns up high on the hills, you have to be a very good driver, especially at night. Also be prepared to parallel park near the house. We highly recommend to rent AWD SUV since it would go up the mountain much easier and save your nerves. Cecilia has everything needed for the beach including lotions and mosquito sprays, but pack your anti-itch ointment because we had plenty of mosquito bites anyway. The only thing was concerning is that living room doesn't have AC and in February it was quite warm in the kitchen and main room. There are 2 ceiling fans and one standing fan there but with Southern exposure of that room leading to balcony you will feel quite a difference in temperature compared to bedrooms, especially in the summer. We had our bedroom doors open and wished it was cooler in the living room. Other than that it was a very pleasant stay and we recommend it to others.