Ideal for a couple, not for families. We have a toddler and a 9 month old, we had to have a pull out bed for the toddler and a cot for the baby. We barely fit into the room it was so so small. There were empty bottles in the bathroom, the bins weren’t emptied. The rooms aren’t soundproofed at all, heard every person coming and going in the hallway and heard the people next door. Barely any tables to sit at in the restaurant, and most of the food facilities were broken. Food was dry and overcooked, could be due to it being a buffet. No food for the children. No milk either so had to go to the shops to get some. Shopping and petrol station 1 minute away which was ideal. Parking was ideal too as free. There was a young gentleman on who was absolutely lovely and helped us out with everything. Ideal checkout time as you can finish your breakfast and go to the room to finish packing. To summarise; great for couples, not for families. Cleanliness isn’t all that great and breakfast was not enjoyable.