Santiago Metropolitan Region

Popular cities in Santiago Metropolitan Region
Known for Shopping, Tours and Museums
Escape to Santiago! Enjoy its live music, cafes, and culture.
Reasons to visit
- San Cristobal Hill
- Costanera Center
- Lastarria District
Known for Wineries, Countryside and Relaxing
Get away to relaxing Pirque! Enjoy the countryside, wineries, and local cuisine.
Reasons to visit
- Concha Y Toro Winery
- Vina Haras de Pirque
Lo Barnechea
Known for Family-friendly, Hiking and Theme parks
Experience trendy Lo Barnechea: its hiking, theme park, sunsets, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Valle Nevado Ski Resort
San José de Maipo
Known for Natural parks, Nature and Mountains
Explore San José de Maipo: its parks and more!
Reasons to visit
- Las Animas Waterfall
Isla de Maipo
Explore attractions like Viña Santa Rita and Viña Undurraga as you discover things to see and do in Isla de Maipo.
Check out the local area in Talagante—home to attractions like Casona Los Nogales and Undurraga Vineyard.
AlhuéAlto JahuelBarrancasBatucoBuinCalera de TangoCasas de ChacabucoChadaChicureoColinaCuracavíEl ArrayánEl GolfEl IngenioEl MonteFarellonesIsla de MaipoLa ChampaLampaLo BarnecheaLo Hermida AbajoLonquénMallaraucoMaría PintoMelipillaPadre HurtadoPainePeñaflorPirquePomaireRefugio lo ValdésSan AlfonsoSan José de MaipoSan PedroSanta EduvigesSanta Elena del GomeroSantiago (and vicinity)TalaganteTiltilValdivia de PaineValle Nevado