Santa Cruz

Travel Guide

Photo by Vivian Rennó
Photo by Matt Wilson

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Reviews of Santa Cruz

Top Destination
5 - Excellent
5 - Excellent 40%
4 - Good
4 - Good 40%
3 - Okay
3 - Okay 20%
2 - Disappointing
2 - Disappointing 0%
1 - Terrible
1 - Terrible 0%

5/5 - Excellent

Verified traveler

Santa Cruz is a great little town in a wine valley that sits above the others in Chile for natural beauty, winery’s, restaurants and places to stay. The Colchagua museum is also a fantastic place to spend a few hours.

4/5 - Good

Verified traveler

Not so easy if you don't have a car, but worth to walk around and drink wines

3/5 - Okay

Verified traveler

There is not much to offer in the town of Santa Cruz (the museum is interesting and quite extensive for a private museum, however the signs on the exhibits are not in English). Visiting the wineries around the Santa Cruz area is enjoyable.