Don't expect to stay connected to the Internet at this hotel. The connection will drop 30 seconds after you make it on the site HB_COQUETA. On the other hand you can connect to the Internet back home. Aren't you going to San Miguel de Allende, (SMA), to connect with the town and people there? Not that the lack of Internet means you will enjoy peace and tranquility. There is a steady stream of vehicles outside your window on Cuadrantes throughout most of the day, not to mention the clanging of the church bells at the Iglesia right next door in the evening. But the traffic and church bells can be heard all over zona central of SMA. Bring ear plugs though. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to sleep.
The infrastructure of the hotel is a little rickety. The second day I was there, the fregadero, (sink), sprung a leak and flooded half the bathroom floor before I noticed it. But that gave me the opportunity to learn a new Spanish word, fuga. And the staff fixed it within a few hours.
Oh and don't leave anything lying around that might be confused with trash. I carry my vitamin and supplement containers in plastic zip lock bags so that if they come open while in transit, the contents won't spill all over my luggage. Around the third day the maid threw them in the basura. The staff promised they would get me some replacements, as I did not know where to find such in SMA, but after a day, they had not done so, and I gave up asking.