Perfection, at least for the two of us. The opposite of a dark, musty cabin, this bright and cheerful pied-a-terre in Rangeley, Maine met all our needs. Close to the center of town, steps from the lake, adjacent to town landing and beach, available dock for boat, dog-friendly, clean, modern, with well-equipped kitchen, spectacular view, nice hosts. We were there for eight days (with some rain) and found plenty to do in the area. There are hikes, museums, restaurants, a decent supermarket, a wonderful fish monger who parks his truck at the head of the driveway on Thursdays and Saturdays with divinely fresh fish and shellfish. We had fun circumnavigating Rangeley Lake and visiting the plethora of nearby lakes and ponds— Mooselookmeguntic, Cupsuptic, Flagstaff, Aziscohos. We were concerned that Rangeley would be raucous and crowded in mid-July, but it was not, just a friendly, welcoming little Maine town. Like I said, perfection.