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Tips for Booking a Hotel with Expedia
Booking a great hotel is a key part to enjoying your well-earned vacation. If you're looking to plan an unforgettable trip, you'll need to find the right place to stay. Learn how Expedia can help you book a hotel that's right for your needs, whether you're taking your kids on a fun-packed vacation, traveling with someone special, or just enjoying some much-needed downtime to yourself.
How to book a hotel on Expedia?
It's super easy to book through Expedia. You'll find a wide range of accommodation options and destinations to choose from, as well as a range of filters to help you narrow down your search. These include the hotel star rating, neighborhood, and points of interest at your destination. Riyadh hotels and Jeddah hotels are especially popular, but you'll also find options for other destinations like Makkah. For an adventure further afield, you can make a hotel reservation in the USA or Europe, too—you'll find plenty of hotel deals in these exciting destinations.
What are the most important things when choosing a hotel?
If you want to find a hotel that's right for you, look for stays that cater to your unique needs. Quite a few factors go into getting the ideal hotel reservation, and you'll need to consider them all.
- Amenities: Think about what kind of amenities you need to have. You'll find options for pools, fitness centers, and workstations in hotels worldwide.
- Location: Where you stay is important, especially if you want to be close to the action, like major landmarks or attractions. Take advantage of the search filters to find the location that suits you.
- Price: Once you've decided your budget, you can use the maximum price filters to view hotels within your price range. Look out for any special hotel deals, too.
- Reviews: You can read verified reviews to see what past guests thought of the hotel, with ratings from a scale of 1 to 10 for different factors, such as cleanliness and customer service.
How far in advance should I book a hotel?
Making hotel bookings early means you can often score early-bird rates, which Expedia is able to negotiate thanks to its huge global presence. If you want to get a great hotel deal, it's a good idea to monitor prices if you're not ready to book right away. Hotel rates tend to go down the closer it gets to the date. Last-minute bookings can be especially cheap since hotels are eager to book their last few rooms.
Seasonality plays a major part in rates and availability, too. For example, Makkah is often fully booked during the Hajj, plus hotels get booked out early during the month of Ramadhan, especially over the Eid holiday, so it's wise to book a hotel well ahead if you're going there at that time of year. You should also reserve well in advance if you're heading to major events. For instance, Riyadh hotels should be reserved early if you want to travel at the same time as the huge Riyadh Season event. The same applies for local holidays, such as National Day in September.
How can I find the cheapest hotels?
To find cheap hotels, you'll need to consider several factors that affect the price. The time of year you visit can play a major role in price, with the off-season tending to be cheaper overall. Hotels with lower star ratings are going to be more affordable as well. Thanks to a global presence, Expedia offers attractive hotel deals, including some of the cheapest hotels in Saudi and countless popular spots worldwide. As well as hotels, you'll encounter cheap beachfront resorts, motels, guesthouses and more. Make sure to use the "Sort by" function—this will allow you to sort the search results by price, showing some of the cheapest hotels at the top of the list.
How can I find some of the best hotel deals?
If you're looking for great hotel discounts, you'll want to use several filters in your search. Be sure to keep an eye for the green labels. This indicates a special hotel deal that's exclusive to Expedia. You can sort your results by price so that the cheapest options are automatically put at the top of the list. Then, adjust your filters to match your budget, and whether or not you want to only include fully refundable properties.
You can also download and book through the Expedia app to unlock exclusive discounts on select Saudi hotels and hotels in Asia or Australia hotels, for example. You could land significant savings on Madinah hotels, as well as generous discounts on hotels in Al-Malaz and other top vacation spots. When booking in advance, you'll often score early-bird deals. That said, don't rule out last-minute hotel offers, especially during low-season dates. Hotels in Yanbu and other beach towns often have great discounts outside of the high season.
Why should I book a hotel with Expedia?
Thanks to its global presence, Expedia offers one of the widest choices of hotels at some of the best prices. The easy-to-use search wizard and handy filters means you can compare all these great hotel deals within seconds. With Expedia, you can book a hotel room online that's optimal in just a few seconds. Many hotels even offer flexible cancellation, too. Add to that reliable and effective customer assistance, and you've got peace of mind when you reserve a hotel on Expedia. Whether you want to find lodging near in Aseer National Park, or need to stop over at a hotel near King Khaled Intl. airport before catching an early morning flight, you'll find it all on Expedia.
Are hotels fully refundable on Expedia?
Some hotels offer flexible cancellation policies when you book with Expedia. You'll be able to see on the results page which hotels in your search are fully refundable, as each that qualifies will be marked with “fully refundable” in green letters. Additionally, you can set the “fully refundable” filter when searching to only show results that offer free cancellation hotel rates.
What types of accommodation can I find on Expedia?
You'll encounter a plethora of different types of accommodation on Expedia. These include charming hotels in Al Olaya, condominium resorts and hotels in Tabuk, and oceanfront properties on the Jedda Sea Corniche. You can take advantage of the search filter to find the ideal type of lodging for you. For example, maybe you've always wanted to stay in a hotel near the Giza Pyramid Complex or in a lavish 5-star hotel in Istanbul: Simply enter the details of your trip, hit search, and use the filters on the left-hand side to find the type of accommodation to suit you.
Is it possible to filter accommodations based on specific amenities?
Yes, you'll find an array of filters that let you focus on some of the best places to stay based on the amenities you need, such as if an airport shuttle is included, if parking is available, and if the accommodation has an on-site gym. Whether you need business facilities in your Abha hotel or a relaxing hotel in Al Khobar with a spa to unwind for a few days, Expedia's many search filters make it easy to find some of the best places to stay.
How can I explore different star-rated accommodations and accommodation brands?
If you'd like to stay in a specific hotel, type the brand name into the search bar to see all available options. Expedia works with most of the major chains, including Hilton, Hyatt Hotels and Marriott. Scroll down further, and below the search field you'll see the filters for star ratings. Whether you're seeking 5-star hotels in Riyadh or 4-star hotels in Dammam, Expedia makes booking a breeze.
Are there accommodations located near popular points of interest or in specific neighborhoods?
One of the great things about using Expedia's hotel booking site is that you can filter search results by area and popular locations. For example, if you want to go to Istanbul, filter to view properties by popular neighborhoods, such as Sultanahmet. Closer to home, the same applies. If you want to book a hotel in the Eastern Province, you'll find filters for popular places to stay, such as Al Jubail, Al-Hofuf, and Hafr Al Batin. There's even a handy map so you can pinpoint some of the best places to stay.
Are luxury accommodations available on Expedia, and how can I book them?
If you're seeking a high-end experience, take your pick from the many luxury hotels available on Expedia. You can locate upscale accommodations by ticking filters like 5-star hotels or ordering results by “price high to low” and “Guest rating + our choice”. From 5-star hotels in Dubai to 5-star hotels in Central Saudi Arabia, Expedia has a huge range of luxury escapes waiting to be discovered.
Do you cater to different types of travelers, such as business or leisure travelers?
Of course. When searching and booking a hotel room, you can filter by neighborhood and points of interest. The hotel description, star ratings, and reviews are great ways to tailor your search results to a specific type of travel. You can find 5-star Madinah hotels suitable for luxury travelers, a hotel near the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Centre for business travelers, and you can use the wide array of filters to further tailor your results. For example, you can filter for pet-friendly hotels and family friendly accommodations if you are traveling with the whole family.