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Other neighborhoods around Perlovka

Moscow Botanical Gardens featuring flowers

North-Eastern Administrative Okrug

4.5/5(2 area reviews)

If you're spending time in North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, check out sights like Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences or Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines and hop on the metro to see more the city at Otradnoye Station or Botanichesky Sad Station.

North-Eastern Administrative Okrug
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Eastern Administrative Okrug

If you're spending time in Eastern Administrative Okrug, check out sights like Izmaylovo Estate or Izmaylovsky Park and hop on the metro to see more the city at Izmailovskaya Station or Pervomaiskaya Station.

Eastern Administrative Okrug
Amid funky food choices at this Russian gateway airport is this Uzbek food oasis with home made bread, soups, fresh salads and other enticing options. #GoodEats

Northern Administrative Okrug

4/5(159 area reviews)

If you're spending time in Northern Administrative Okrug, check out sights like Adrenaline Stadium or Arena CSKA and hop on the metro to see more the city at Rechnoy Vokzal Station or Vodny Stadium Station.

Northern Administrative Okrug
Petrovskiy Park. Not far from metro station Dinamo.

Airport District

4/5(11 area reviews)

Noted for its historic sites and restaurants, there's plenty to explore in Airport District. Top attractions like Petrovsky Palace and VTB Arena are major draws, and you can hop on the metro at Aeroport Station or Petrovsky Park Station to see more of the city.

Airport District
Moscow featuring food

Moscow City Centre

4.5/5(312 area reviews)

Theaters, museums, and historic sites highlight some notable features of Moscow City Centre. Make a stop by Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or Kremlin Arsenal while you're visiting, and jump aboard the metro at Okhotny Ryad Station or Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Station to get around town.

Moscow City Centre
Hermitage Garden showing heritage architecture and a park


4.5/5(133 area reviews)

You might enjoy the cafes while in Tverskoy. Hermitage Garden is a notable sight, and you can get around town at Mayakovskaya Station or Chekhovskaya Station to see more of the city.



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