In July, 2017, my family, Grandchildren, and some friends reserved several rooms at the Castillo de Montegufoni, and what an exceptional and magical vacation we experienced for 7 days. We initially wanted to reserve some apartments somewhere in Italy for a family holiday, when we came upon this website, while searching for a unique Italian vacation. After researching the Castillo de Montegufoni and reading all the reviews, we decided to make our reservations at this castle, which was located approximately 45 minutes west of Florence. We booked our rooms at the Castillo de Montegufoni, but within months of making our reservations, our son and his fiancé decided that they wanted to get married in this castle. We were a bit apprehensive since we thought this location would be a fun vacation venue, but sight unseen, we were concerned about it now possibly becoming a wedding destination. To make a long beautiful story, a bit shorter, this was the most picturesque, magical, and spectacular location we could have ever selected.
The rooms were all uniquely different but perfect, the gardens and grounds were impeccable, the restaurant foods at the castle and in town were amazingly delicious, and the castle staff and service, especially Paula and Stefania, were so remarkably helpful, enjoyably pleasant, and constantly professional, on every single day we were there.
As a summation, and as we stated in the beginning of this review, the Castillo de Montegufoni became an exceptional and magical vacation for our entire family and we witnessed one of the most beautiful weddings ever! Our entire family, including our Grandchildren have vowed to return to this magnificent castle in the very NEAR future!