From golf lessons to driving ranges to evening entertainment, Expedia is the place to book your golfing weekend. Check out the natural parks in Mocoa - worth a picture or two!
What should I see and do in Mocoa while on a golf vacation?
When you’re ready to take a break from the back nine, you’ll find that Mocoa has lots to offer. Explore the local sights and attractions with a stop at The End of the World Waterfall, Suruma Park, and Technological Institute Of Putumayo Botanic Garden.
What is a golf hotel in Mocoa like?
Golf hotels in Mocoa offer guest rooms and easy access to a golf course. On Expedia, you will be able to find a number of golf hotels which have either a 9+ hole golf course, or that are located adjacent to an 18+ hole golf course. Golf hotels provide a good selection of services and amenities including equipment rentals, clubhouses, and shuttles.