
Travel Guide

Braga Cathedral showing street scenes
Bom Jesus do Monte which includes a park
Bom Jesus do Monte showing a garden
Bom Jesus do Monte showing chateau or palace and a park
Palacio dos Biscainhos which includes flowers and a garden

Where to stay in Minho

Braga Cathedral showing street scenes

Old Town Braga

5/5(13 area reviews)

Old Town Braga is noteworthy for its historic sites, and you can make a stop at top attractions like Braga Cathedral and Santa Barbara Garden.

Old Town Braga
#Castelo #castle #Guimaraes #Portugal #History

O Castelo de Guimarães começou por um mosteiro mandado construir por Mumadona Dias no século X, antes, portanto, da formação de Portugal. Como os ataques dos mouros eram frequentes decidiram construir uma muralha para proteger a comunidade e os monges que viviam no seu interior. Foi esta fortaleza que deu origem ao Castelo de Guimarães. Mais tarde, no século XII, foi neste castelo que nasceu Dom Afonso Henriques que viria a ser o primeiro rei de Portugal. Com a falta de uso o castelo foi-se degradando. Recentemente foi recuperado e classificado como Monumento Nacional. É também considerado Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO. Um lugar cheio de história e que foi berço de Portugal. Não é à toa que em um pedaço da muralha original tem os dizeres “Aqui nasceu Portugal”.

The Castle of Guimarães began with a monastery built by Mumadona Dias in the 10th century, before, therefore, the formation of Portugal. As the attacks of the Moors were frequent they decided to build a wall to protect the community and the monks that lived inside. It was this fort that gave origin to the Castle of Guimarães. Later, in the twelfth century, it was in this castle that Dom Afonso Henriques was born. Some years after he would become the first king of Portugal. With the lack of use the castle was degrading. Recently it was recovered and classified as National Monument. It is also considered World Heritage by UNESCO. A place full of history and that was cradle of Portugal. It is no wonder that in a piece of the original wall has the words "Here was born Portugal".

Old Town Guimarães

5/5(11 area reviews)

Unique features of Old Town Guimarães include the historic sites and restaurants. Make a stop by Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira or Paco dos Duques de Braganca while you're exploring the area.

Old Town Guimarães
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Praia Fluvial do Taboão - Festival Paredes De Coura is one noteworthy place to stop while you're exploring Rubiães and the surrounding area.

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5/5(1 area review)

Check out nearby sights like Tibaes Monastery while you're spending some time in Cervães and the surrounding area.

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While Petimão isn't home to many top sights, Chapel of Our Lady Fatima and Monastery of Saint Miguel of Refojos Garden are some notable places to visit nearby.

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Pedras Frias

You might consider checking out Torre do Relogio de Caminha while you're exploring Pedras Frias and the larger Dem area.

Pedras Frias

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