A security deposit is required, this is paid at the virtual reception of the accommodation and is returned once the accommodation has been checked At check out the dishes must be clean, the fridge without any food, the trash must have been emptied. The temperature is self regulated for both Heating and Air Conditioning, travelers do not have access to thermostats. Air conditioning remote controls are not provided. A single key is provided for the entrance door associated with the house's electrical system. Tampering with the security ring on key chains is a serious violation of our rules. Children under 2 years of age sleeping with their parents do not pay. There is a cot and high chair service, check price and availability. Smoking is not allowed inside the house. Pets are not allowed. No noise is allowed from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Groups of young people under 25 years of age are not allowed. To ensure a good coexistence and respect for neighbours and residents, this apartment is equipped with a noise meter. Guests are obliged to comply with the established rest hours at all times. The garage and the entrance are monitored by cameras, and maintenance staff can access these areas. The common areas of the development are video monitored 24 hours a day. The check in process involves a mandatory online registration of each guest, prior to accessing the apartment. It will be essential to have a mobile device to be able to access the apartment. Please contact us before your arrival and carefully follow the instructions provided at all times. Pavonia Apartments is not responsible for any delay in entering the apartment as a result of not having previously carried out the aforementioned procedure.
1.5 KM from Madrid Central. Gallur Athletics Tracks, Amusement Park