Hotellet er sådan set fint. Værelset var godt indrettet - dog lidt upraktisk placering af kontakter. Men meget upersonligt. Check In og ud samt køb af ydelser sker på en skærm. Sammenholdt mod andre hoteller i byen til samme pris, mangler den personlige kontakt.
Jeg vil fremover ikke benytte hotellet, alene på grund af parkeringsforholdene. De få - ca 20 pladser der er foran hotellet, bliver ombygget til el biler. Alle andre skal parkere på bagsiden af hotellet og man skal gå hele vejen udenom hotellet for at komme ind. I regnvejr er det meget upraktisk.
The hotel is kind of fine. The room was well furnished - although the placement of switches was a bit impractical. But very impersonal. Check in and out as well as the purchase of services takes place on a screen. Compared to other hotels in the city at the same price, the personal touch is lacking.
I will not use the hotel in the future, solely because of the parking conditions. The few - about 20 spaces in front of the hotel will be converted to electric cars. Everyone else must park at the back of the hotel and you have to walk all the way around the hotel to enter. In rainy weather it is very impractical