Jardim Europa

Foz do Iguaçu

Popular places to visit

Other neighborhoods around Jardim Europa

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Portal da Foz

If you're looking for some top things to see and do in Portal da Foz and surrounding area, you can visit Cataratas JL Shopping Mall and Cataratas Avenue.

Portal da Foz
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Campos do Iguaçu

When in Campos do Iguaçu, you can plan a visit to Cataratas JL Shopping Mall and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque, some noteworthy sights in the nearby area.

Campos do Iguaçu
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Centro Civico

While Centro Civico isn't home to many top sights, Cataratas JL Shopping Mall and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque are some notable places to visit nearby.

Centro Civico
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Polo Centro

If you're spending some time in Polo Centro, Cataratas JL Shopping Mall and Itaipu Lake are top sights worth seeing.

Polo Centro
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Vila Maracanã

If you're spending some time in Vila Maracanã, Cataratas JL Shopping Mall and ABC Stadium are top sights worth seeing.

Vila Maracanã
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Vila Yolanda

4/5(7 area reviews)

If you're spending some time in Vila Yolanda, Cataratas Avenue and Adrena Kart are top sights worth seeing.

Vila Yolanda

Jardim Europa

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