Federal District

Popular cities in Federal District
Known for Dining, Shopping and Business
Escape to Brasília! Enjoy its museums, architecture, and parks.
Reasons to visit
- Arena BRB Mané Garrincha
- National Congress of Brazil
- Square of the Three Powers
Lago Sul
Known for Running, Musicals and Ice skating
Explore Lago Sul: its musicals, ice-skating, waterfalls, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Pontão do Lago Sul
Venture to sights like Valley of Dawn and Santuario Ecologico de Pipa as you discover Planaltina.
Águas Claras
Known for Friendly people, Dining and Budget
Águas Claras awaits: its food and more!
Known for Shopping
Head to sights like Gama Shopping Center and Bezerrao Stadium as you discover Gama.
Known for Festivals and Sports
Taguatinga awaits: its festivals, sports, and more!
ArniqueirasBrasíliaBrazlândiaCandangolandiaCeilandiaCruzeiroFercalGamaGuaráItapoãJardim BotânicoLago NorteLago SulNucleo BandeirantePapudaParanoaPark WayPlanaltinaRecanto das EmasRiacho FundoRiacho Fundo IISCIASIASamambaiaSanta BárbaraSanta MariaSobradinhoSobradinho IISol Nascente/Pôr do SolSudoeste e OctogonalSão SebastiãoTaguatingaVarjãoVicente PiresÁguas Claras