Get ready to wait 20+ minutes every time you want an elevator... Turn over an ID, CC, or cash to borrow a luggage cart and be treated like a criminal by the check in desk. The building is old and worn out. But the most concerning was the fire alarm went off for a real fire. Did not go off on our floor, only on the lobby floor and the stair wells. The only reason we figured out there was a fire was the smoke was coming up the elevator shaft and the elevators didn't work. Then on checkout day, we got different checkout instructions from the owner than the ones in the welcome email or and paperwork. So if they say we didn't follow directions or rules, that's why. We were already in our car leaving when they sent a follow up email with new check out instructions. The pools were ok but the lazy river is tiny and pretty dangerous with under inflated tubes and really rough sides. Wear shoes at least. Good luck if you stay here! Thank God our stay was only one night!