The cabin space itself was very nice and comfortable. The bed in the primary bedroom was also comfortable. The kitchen was very minimally stocked. It did have a coffeepot dishes, cups, and silverware. But there was no can opener and other basic things that would’ve been good to have. One of the biggest concerns was the cleanliness, there were cobwebs, massive cobwebs in many corners. The cabin had a terrible musty, moldy smell that came from the primary bedroom. There was white mold on the. floor molding in the bedroom. The smell was almost unbearably strong. On our final morning, we awoke to find that our paper towel had been shredded and eaten around the bottom By what we assumed to be a mouse. So if these issues could be addressed and fixed, we could give this little cabin a very high score for its space and location, but all of these issues made it very unpleasant for us.