District XVI


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Other neighborhoods around District XVI

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District X

While you're in District X, take in top sights like Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center or Nepliget, and hop on the metro to see more the city at Kada utca / Maglódi út Tram Stop or Kocka utca Tram Stop.

District X
Busy Brew pub in Budapest. Worth finding.


4.5/5(240 area reviews)

Arena Plaza Shopping Mall and Corvin Plaza are top sights in Jozsefvaros, and you should be sure to explore the popular shops. Hop aboard the metro at Orczy tér (Baross utca) Tram Stop or Orczy tér Tram Stop to see more sights in the area.

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District VII.

While you're in District VII., take in top sights like Kiraly Street or Ferenc Liszt Square, and hop on the metro to see more the city at Wesselényi utca - Erzsébet körút Tram Stop or Király utca / Erzsébet körút Tram Stop.

District VII.
Shoes on the Danube, on a bitterly cold day

Népszínház negyed

4/5(5 area reviews)

When in Népszínház negyed and the surrounding area, you'll want to check out sights like Blaha Lujza Square or Arena Plaza Shopping Mall and hop on the metro to see more the city at Nepszinhaz utca Station or Dologház utca Tram Stop.

Népszínház negyed
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4/5(461 area reviews)

Situated on the Pest side of the Danube, this densely populated district boasts the historic Jewish quarter and the largest functioning synagogue in Europe, Dohány Street Synagogue.

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Csarnok negyed

When in Csarnok negyed and the surrounding area, you'll want to check out sights like Blaha Lujza Square or Corvin Plaza and hop on the metro to see more the city at Rakoczi Square Station or II. János Pál pápa tér M Tram Stop.

Csarnok negyed

District XVI

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