If you want to go camping,, this is the place for you. The owners provide or guarantee almost no comforts for your stay. Bring all you own towels - bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths - for two bathrooms. Also, bring your own extra blankets and pillows. You get one roll of TP. After you book, the owner will tell you in writing that these things get stolen. If you want to use the grill, they tell you it may or may not have gas. There is no bar soap or anything to wash your hands unless you bring it. If you want to clean any counters or anything before moving in, your first stop needs to be the market to buy these products. It's literally like a national park cabin. You need to bring or buy a LOT of stuff to be functional in this house.
Why is all this stuff being stolen? There was no lock on the french doors to the screened porch. The property was secured by a latch on one screen door and a block of wood on the other. When I complained, the owner said not to worry because it's a safe neighborhood. She clearly knew the lock was broken and rented the home anyways.
In addition, we arrived to a home that had spider webs throughout the living space, much like a haunted house. It was clear no one had been in the property to clean or check it in quite some time. We walked to the screened porch, which looks beautiful in the photos to find very different, dirty and stained furniture. Less than desirable, but figured we'd just put a towel over them. Oh wait, we didn't bring extra towels for covering dirty furniture. The home is nothing like the photos. I'd also encourage you to research where the home is located.
We stayed about an hour and asked the owner to cancel the reservation. The home was dirty and was clearly not being even secured. In addition,, neighbirs told us we couldn't legally stay because Georgia had banned short term rentals for Covid-19. After researching, we found it was true. The owner refused to negotiate any resolution and is attempting to keep more than most people pay in monthly rent when we had to relocate and pay for a hotel. We have a dispute with our Amex and our complaint against the owner is being escalated at VRBO for violating policy. We stay at short term rentals regularly and I find the photos and descriptions and security is usually in line with the listing. Buyer beware on this one.