Popular cities in Boyacá
Villa de Leyva
Known for Tours, Museums and Cafes
Explore Villa de Leyva: its museums, cafes, history, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Plaza Major of Villa de Leyva
- Casa Terracota
- Pozos Azules
Known for Dancing, Cafes and Entertainment
Explore Tunja: its cafes, entertainment, adventures, and more!
Known for Lakes, Swimming and Spas
Experience relaxing Paipa: its spas, lake views, hiking, and more!
Known for Yoga, White sand beaches and Sandy beaches
Get away to quaint Sogamoso! Enjoy the archaeology, lake views, and wineries.
Known for Monuments and Shopping
Explore Duitama: its monuments and more!
Santa Sofía
Venture to sights like Paso del Angel and Monasterio de Santo Ecce-Homo as you discover Santa Sofía.
AlmeidaAquitaniaArcabucoBelenBerbeoBoavitaBoyacáBriceñoCerinzaChinavitaChiquinquiráChitaChitaraqueChivatáChivorChíquizaCoperCorralesCovarachíaCucaitaCuitivaCómbitaDuitamaEl CocuyEl EspinoFlorestaGachantiváGaragoaGuatequeGuayatáGuicanIzaJenesanoJericoLa CapillaLa UvitaLabranzagrandeMacanalMaripíMirafloresMonguíMoniquiráMoniquiráMotavitaMuzoNobsaNuevo ColónOicatáOtanchePachavitaPaipaPajaritoPanquebaPaunaPescaPuerto BoyacáQuípamaRamiriquíRoblesRondónRáquiraSaboyáSamacáSan EduardoSan José de PareSan Luis de GacenoSan Pablo de BorburSanta MaríaSanta Rosa de ViterboSanta SofíaSantanaSativanorteSativasurSoatáSochaSogamosoSomondocoSoraSoracáSotaquiráSutamarchánSáchicaTenzaTibanáTibasosaTinjacaTipacoqueTocaTogüíTotaTunjaTununguáTurmequéTutaTutazáTópagaVentaquemadaVilla de LeyvaZetaquiraÚmbita