Needs attention focused on safety. No front porch light, key only works on front door. Side door was more accesible with lighting and steps, but no key. Electrical outlet inside front door did not have a cover and would work only some of the time. Light did not work above kitchen sink. Unable to turn light on and off above dinette table, unless you unscrewed light bulbs. Quite difficult being only 5ft tall. Water had a terrible smell, water softener installer stopped by and tested water, he said there were high levels of iron. Should have specified to bring bottled water or had some available upon arrival. We were aware that there was not air conditioning. Fans were provided, however many windows did not have screens. The window in main bedroom would not stay up, needed proped. Therefore unable to cool home comfortably. Kitchen sink continuously dripped. The smoke detector alarmed on second floor and was a disposable, there was no battery accessible to replace.
I needed to purhase a can opener! There were no cereal bowls, colander, or wine bottle opener (there were wine glasses in cabinet). No sugar for coffee/ tea. Keurig cups were provided.
The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful.
We will not stay there again and would not recommend at it's current state.