Auckland Region
New Zealand
Popular cities in Auckland Region
Come to Auckland and enjoy its food, museums, and parks.
Reasons to visit
- Auckland Ferry Terminal
- Sky Tower
- SkyCity Casino
Get away to Great Barrier Island! Enjoy the hot springs, parks, and beaches.
Head to sights like Shelly Beach and Kaipara Harbour as you discover Shelly Beach.
Venture to sights like Kaipara Harbour and Kaukapakapa Community Hall as you discover Kaukapakapa.
Check out the local area in Tapora—home to attractions like Atiu Creek Regional Park and Kaipara Harbour.
Venture to sights like SheepWorld as you discover the local area in Dome Valley.
Algies BayAnawhataArarimuArdmoreAuckland (and vicinity)AwhituBethells BeachBig BayBig OmahaBombayBrookbyClarks BeachClevedonCoatesvilleDairy FlatDome ForestDome ValleyDruryGlenbrookGloritGrahams BeachGreat Barrier IslandHelensvilleHunuaKaipara FlatsKarakaKarekareKarioitahiKaukapakapaKawakawa BayKawau IslandKingseatKumeuLeighLittle Barrier IslandMahurangi EastMahurangi WestMakarauMangakuraManukau HeadsMatakanaMaukuMotuihe IslandMotutapu IslandMuriwaiNess ValleyOkupuOkura BushOmahaOrere PointOrewaOrua BayPaerataPakiriPapakuraPatumahoePihaPohuehuePoint WellsPollokPuhoiPukekoheRakino IslandRamaramaRangitoto IslandRiverheadRuncimanSandspitShelly BeachSilverdaleSnells BeachSouth HeadStillwaterTakaniniTaporaTauhoaTaupakiTawharanuiTe AraiTe HanaTi PointTomarataTryphenaWaiau PaWaiheke IslandWaimaukuWainuiWaionekeWaitokiWaiukuWaiweraWarkworthWellsfordWhangaparaoaWhangaripoWhangateauWharehineWhitfordWoodhill Forest