Porto Germeno


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4/5(6 area reviews)

Be sure to check out the monuments and historic sites while you're strolling through Petralona, and hop on the metro at Petralona Station to see more of the surrounding area.

Temple of Hephaestos featuring a temple or place of worship, heritage elements and heritage architecture


4/5(102 area reviews)

Visitors often come to Thissio for its abundant dining options, but many stay to explore sights like Temple of Hephaestos and Ancient Agora of Athens. Getting around the area on the metro is easy if you catch a ride at Thissio Station.

Greece showing a sunset and heritage architecture


3/5(255 area reviews)

The abundant dining options and interesting museums are just a few top-rate features of the neighborhood. Make a stop by Omonoia Square or National Theatre of Greece while you're visiting, and jump aboard the metro at Omonoia Station to get around town.

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3.5/5(203 area reviews)

Travelers come to Psirri for its abundant dining options, and you can see top attractions like Athens Central Market and Omonoia Square while you're in town.

Athens showing heritage elements, heritage architecture and a ruin


4.5/5(473 area reviews)

Flea market vibes abound in this bustling shopping district, where you can find clothing boutiques, souvenir shops, and specialty stores. Easily accessible via Monastiraki Metro Station, it's perfect for bargain hunting and exploring Athens' old town.

New Acropolis Museum showing a city


While you're in Makrigianni, take in top sights like Acropolis Museum and jump on the metro at Akropoli Station to see more of the city.


Porto Germeno

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