Please check on our new listing, "Ulysses", if the cabin you are looking at is not available on the date you are desiring to visit.
Stay in a truly unique, two story tiny home style cabin with a porch almost over looking a creek, and 30 acres of woods, hills and wild life. Explore the trails and experience nature conveniently near the lively culture and arts town of Athens, Ohio, and Ohio University. However, please note that the staircase is narrow and the second floor has low ceilings which may not be suitable for some guests.
'Waldbaden', our name for the land where we have built cabins, is the German word(s) for 'forest bathing'. The concept behind 'forest bathing' is that the trees are therapeutic for mental and physical health. We are not experts in the practice of 'waldbaden' but we definitely find our bit of forest rejuvenating and we hope you do too.
Please feel free to walk the trails and see the nature, but also be aware that it is mostly untamed nature and that your exploration is at your own risk.
* Steps are narrow and a little steep inside the cabin.
** We keep our cabins clean and tidy. However, they are located in a forest, and occasionally, insects visit them. We do not use pesticides as the residual chemicals of using them are likely to cause harm to our guests and nature, where as the insects are not. Please be aware of this, as we do not offer refunds for the presence of nature.