This little house was so cute, tables and headboard were gorgeous! Description was accurate, it's small, no problem for us just keep it in mind. The best part was how easy it was to come and go on a motorcycle. Most cabins we've rented have seemingly endless dirt roads, this had about a tenth of a mile, one wide curve and a very slight incline. If you have any experience riding on dirt you won't have any problems. Plenty of room to park a trailer (ours is 7"x16" plus extended cab truck) although turning it around was a little tricky. There is a driveway though just before the house you can back into, just make sure you have a good spotter to help. There is another house next door, but the deck and hot tub face away from it, so as long as your neighbors aren't noisy you won't notice it. The road is also right next to the house, but it wasn't busy, we saw maybe three cars during the day. I usually look for complete seclusion, but knew this ahead of time and was willing to compromise in exchange for having a road that was easy to travel. The owner is awesome!! Immediate responses and completely honest and up front, even said this may not be ideal for two people for a full weeks because of the size (for my husband and I it was perfectly fine, we spend most of our time outside or in the bike anyway). Overall great place to stay, only reason I gave four stars on location was my preference for seclusion, but again, I knew there were neighbors ahead of time and chose it anyway, and that's just a matter of preference! I would definitely recommend renting for this owner as well, she is great!