Survival Guest Apartment provide the ultimate hospitality experience to its guests at reasonable rates with air conditioned and comfortable room. It is located most popular surfing beaches include CrashBoat, Wishing Well, Survival Beach, Punta Borinquen etc, famous for it's crystal clear waters and Wilderness. Located in Aguadilla which is the most attractive area in west side of Puerto Rico. 1 Room set with 2 beds for 2 guests each and 1 bed for 1 guests. 15 minutes walking distance and less than 5 minutes driving distance from Crash Boat or Wishing Well beaches. We equipped with diesel power generator. Power outages doesn’t exist. Travel is rewarding, but sometimes things don’t go as expected. People can get sick, flights can get canceled, and bags can go missing. Therefore is always recommended for guest to be financially protected to apply for traveling insurance