Here is the perfect house for the grand family or for an urlaub with friends… Here is space for everyone. With 3 berths (one bar with bath) and large rooms, both living space and activity space with tennis are not overbearing here. In the spring, you will enjoy nature: Enjoy those terraces, play soccer on the small football field, jump on the trampoline, make a spa walk in its own sea (one beautiful lake in the forest) or in the Lerskov plantation, if you want a bunker facility from 1. World heritage can be renewed. A trucking solution is open to all, as is the case for youths as well as for experienced lovers.
Stranded in unmittelbar Nähe, Flensburg ist 30 Minutes entfernt, Legoland 1 Stunde, Odense und Århus 1,5 Stunde.
The booking single room is also possible. Get rid of it and simplify it!